Sunday, February 26, 2012

Star Trek - Deep Space Nine, Episode 15: Progress [VHS]

Star Trek - Deep Space Nine, Episode 15: Progress [VHS] Review

Original airdate: 5-10-93. Stardate: 46849.3. A first-season highlight, "Progress" combines an amusing subplot involving Nog (Aron Eisenberg) and Jake Sisko (Cirroc Lofton) with a moving dilemma faced by Kira (Nana Visitor) on the nearly evacuated Bajoran moon Jeraddo. It is there that Kira encounters Mullibok (Brian Keith), an elderly farmer who refuses to leave. Kira's efforts to persuade the old man lead to a painful examination of their shared heritage and violent history against the Cardassians. This interplay (blessed by the fine performances of Visitor and TV veteran Keith, in one of his best roles of his later years) lends the episode an emotional urgency that intensifies Kira's tension between her turbulent past and present obligations to Federation duty and Bajor's future. While Jake and Nog pursue amateur profiteering that turns surprisingly in their favor, "Progress" combines humor with the kind of ethical and emotional crises that allowed DS9 to maximize its first-season potential. --Jeff Shannon

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