Monday, March 12, 2012

Star Trek - Deep Space Nine, Episode 62: Prophet Motive [VHS]

Star Trek - Deep Space Nine, Episode 62: Prophet Motive [VHS] Review

"Prophet Motive" asks the burning question "What would happen if the wormhole aliens encountered the most profit-hungry being in the known universe?" The answer is a thoroughly entertaining display of good ol’ Ferengi chutzpah. Watch as a kinder, gentler Grand Nagus Zek horrifies his loyal subjects Quark and Rom with the Ferengi Benevolent Association. See the huge, silent Maihar'du weep over the New Rules of Acquisition. Marvel at Quark vs. the Prophets (guess who wins).

This is an episode full of firsts. It was Rene Auberjonois's first time out as full-fledged DS9 series director. It marked the first return to the wormhole with an Orb since "The Emissary." (In fact, it visually references the premiere experience almost frame by frame.) And it was the first of many times Bashir and O'Brien play darts. Cool special effects, great writing, solid acting, gratuitous oo-max, much Ferengitude. As always, Armin Shimmerman (Quark) and Max Grodénchik (Rom) work together like a well-oiled comedic machine. Wallace Shawn somehow manages to be both cunning and disgustingly cute as decrepit Grand Nagus Zek. And don't overlook the talents of the very tall Tiny Ron as his bafflingly loyal servant. In the pointless B-story, Dr. Bashir doesn't win the prestigious Carrington Award. "Prophet Motive" is an hysterically well-written episode and a favorite of Ferengi fans everywhere. --Kayla Rigney

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